welcome to left right there travel blog!


Hello, I'm Iris and this is my creative playground!


As I was born and grew up in Romania and afterward lived in the USA, France and finally settled down in Germany, people often describe me as the epitome of a world citizen. In my perfect world, there are no borders that need to be passed; there is only a strong desire of exploring, learning and embracing whatever surrounds me.
The ambition and goal of Left Right There Travel Blog is to immerse into this huge and wonderful world to provide my readers a colorful bunch of insights, to inspire to be curious, to learn and to grow. Focusing on travel, culture, and photography, the website brings a blend of known and secluded locations as well as insights on cultures and their traditions, with a penchant for people and their environment.
Born out of many days spent organizing, thinking, self-doubting, gathering subjects and pictures, traveling, talking to people, reading, Left Right There is my ultimate personal project, that I launched in 2017. It’s not something done spontaneously and fast - on the contrary, like any other creative process, it's slow and contemplative. Left Right There Travel Blog takes me on a perpetual discovery: of places and customs, of my ever changing wants & needs, strengths & weaknesses, and goals - and that's colossal!
That is why I am guided by the urge to discover - anytime, anywhere.


I hope you will discover along too!


If you want to get friendly or work with me, drop me a line at: irispopp@gmail.com


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